Twenty Three
Every year on my birthday I try to write some kind of list of the things I’ve thought of during the year. Those are my twenty three things.
- Family is more important than anything else in life.
- Be nice, it’s not so hard.
- Offline is an alternative to always connected even if you work with computers.
- Be patient
- Very few things needs to get done right away.
- Read books and blogs. 140 characters is not enough.
- Write more.
- Buy a camera during 2014 and start a project.
- You just love her. You do.
- Call people, since you think Facebook is boring at the moment.
- Learning to be creative in the kitchen is a challenge you will have to work on for a long time.
- Sherlock Season 3. That’s quality tv-writing.
- About time was your favorite movie. Watch it again.
- You miss your friends a lot somedays. It’s sucks.
- You are just getting started.
- Things changes and becomes better.
- New things are challenging.
- You enjoy having a dog at the office. It’s super cosy.
- The new apartment is great.
- You are stupid. It’s great.
- Do more of the things that makes you happy.
- Don’t make things.
- Fika.
Last year: 22 (written in Swedish)