• Link Posts

    Shawn Blanc:

    > Links shared on Twitter are relatively fleeting. Isn’t the average lifespan of a Tweet something like 120 seconds? Thus, someone who checks Twitter once or twice a day probably has to scroll through myriad of tweets if they want to find your links of value.

    > If, however, those links are being posted to a website then they are more “static” (less fleeting) — someone looking for the day’s links can go to their websites of choice and browse through the 3 or 4 or 10 which were posted, read the accompanying commentary, and click the ones they’re interested in.

    Jag har länge försökt beskriva den här skillnaden. Nu behöver jag inte göra det längre. Jag tror du förstår skillnaden.

  • Love what you do

    Steve Jobs:

    > I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love.

    >And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.

    > As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.

    Kloka ord. Känns fint att spara i bloggarkivet.

  • When feedback gets personal

    Ryan Graves:
    > Unless I’m really not down with the people behind the company, or fundamentally believe the company is doing wrong in the world, I’ll focus on positive, productive feedback. I’ll seek to improve their service and make their world a better place, after all, that’s all I’m trying to do.

    Det här kan jag lära mig ifrån. Att bli ännu bättre på att ge konstruktiv kritik, som faktiskt resulterar i en bättre värld.

  • Loren Brichter: Designs on the future of iOS apps

    > “It’s like an iceberg. No one is solving the fundamental problems underneath the surface correctly. I want to give that a crack.”

    Loren Brichter svarar på frågan om vad han vill göra i framtiden. Loren, som nu senast skapat appen [Letterpress](http://www.atebits.com/letterpres). Hans genombrott som designer/utvecklare var [Tweetie, som senare blev till Twitter för iPhone](http://blog.twitter.com/2010/04/twitter-for-iphone.html).

    Jag känner igen mig i hans tankar, att lösa problem på riktigt, inte bara peta lite på ytan. Det känns roligare så, att få tänka om hela processen. Det tar tid, och kräver tålamod, men det känns så mycket bättre.

  • The Best

    Everything I owned had been carefully designed by a person who cared deeply about the problem being solved.

    Läsvärda tankar om design av Dustin Curtis. Han sätter ord på något jag länge försökt koka ner till en text. Så istället för att skriva något liknande ger jag dig hans tankar:

    “The best” isn’t necessarily a product or thing. It’s the reward for winning the battle fought between patience, obsession, and desire. It takes an unreasonably long amount of time to find the best of something. It requires that you know everything about a product’s market, manufacture, and design, and that you can navigate deceptive pricing and marketing. It requires that you find the best thing for yourself, which means you need to know what actually matters to you.

    Helt enkelt: Utgå från dig själv, så hittar du svaret på vad som är bäst för just dig.

  • När man glömmer bort vad det handlar om

    Kimmy Bolke:

    Det handlar inte om att söka lycka, det handlar om att vara lycklig.

  • Do.

    Dustin Curtis delar med sig av sitt recept för glädje och framgång.

    Wake up early. Show up. Learn how to think. Be genuine, but appear nice. Use envy for motivation instead of destruction. Do what you say you’re going to do. Ensure balance in every area of your life. Confront repressed thoughts immediately. Surround yourself with people who are better than you (but remember the thing about envy). Work out every day. Be good at what you do. Make money doing what you love. Have good friends. Never settle.

    Det känns bra.

  • Steve Jobs: Inspirerande citat om livet, design och Apple

    “That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works”.
    – Steve Jobs 

    Ett gäng klassiska citat som talar för sig själv. Boom!

  • Anything

    How you do anything is how you do everything. Your “character” or “nature” just refers to how you handle all the day-to-day things in life, no matter how small

  • Nej vs. Ja

    No is easier to do. Yes is easier to say.

    Ibland är det enkelt.