• Matt Mullenweg: The State of the Word 2014

    Interesting insights into the current state of WordPress and whats to come.

    The last year has certainly been a good one for WordPress. I think the core team has made an incredible job improving upon an already great system. The responsive admin panel is a big improvement. I also think automatic updates was a great addition too.

    I’m excited for the future of WordPress.

  • WP CLI – command line interface for WordPress

    > WP-CLI is a set of command-line tools for managing WordPress installations. You can update plugins, set up multisite installs and much more, without using a web browser.

    Save time, use better tools to do the things you always have to do. WP-CLI probably saved me a day of work, just this week.

  • The Design of WordPress 3.8

    > In its 10 years WordPress has seen many changes, one of the most significant being the “Crazyhorse” redesign that came with version 2.7 in 2008. Today’s update is the biggest visual update to WordPress since that release.

    WordPress 3.8 is a great update. The admin interface is featuring a new design. A evolution of the previous design, which I think is a good way to make the transition to something new easier for a lot of people. It’s also responsive, which is a great feature these days, when we tend to use and manage our websites from many different devices.

  • WP-Snippets

    A growing library of code snippets for WordPress. I always learn new things while browsing trough archives like this.

  • How to hide the WordPress update message in a git production enviroment

    Since I use git on a lot of my projects, I don’t want to update WordPress in the production environment. So I wrote a few lines of code, that hides the update message. Add it to functions.php if you want to use it.

    If you find some issues, or have some great ideas on how to improve it, just fork the gist.

  • Wpkod.se

    > Resurser för front end-utvecklare, med inriktning på WordPress.

    [David Paulsson](http://davidpaulsson.se) bidrar med bra resurser och trix. Ett schysst initiativ som jag uppskattar och kommer följa.

  • Framtiden för WordPress

    Matt Mullenweg:

    WordPress’ biggest challenge over the next two years, and where we’re focusing core development, will be around evolving our dashboard to be faster and more accessible, especially on touch devices.

    Ser framemot att kunna posta inlägg från iPaden på ett enklare sätt. Det kommer förenkla både för mig och för mina kunder att kunna uppdatera WordPress ännu enklare.

  • Pears

    Dan Cederholm:

    Collect, test, and experiment with interface pattern pairings of CSS & HTMLPears is an open source WordPress theme, enabling people like you to get your own pattern library up and running quickly.
