Viktor Bijlenga

Too Many Images +

Discover your image weight on the web. Find out the image weight in your pages, compare to the HTTPArchive average and discover what images you can optimize further.

A simple CLI tools that may be a fun thing to integrate into your performance testing stack. It asks and answers the question, too many images?

Command Line Cheat Sheet +

Our cheat sheet not only features the most important commands. On the back, it also explains some tips & tricks that make working with the CLI a lot easier.

A easy cheat sheet with some great tips on how to use the terminal more efficient. I didn’t know about TAB folder autocomplete.

WP CLI – command line interface for WordPress +

WP-CLI is a set of command-line tools for managing WordPress installations. You can update plugins, set up multisite installs and much more, without using a web browser.

Save time, use better tools to do the things you always have to do. WP-CLI probably saved me a day of work, just this week.