Effeckt.css +
A great collection of CSS transition & animations. It’s still a work in progress, so it still growing/evolving. Chris Coyier has recored a great introduction of it, if you want to contribute.
A great collection of CSS transition & animations. It’s still a work in progress, so it still growing/evolving. Chris Coyier has recored a great introduction of it, if you want to contribute.
Great overview of how to use the syntax of Emmet. A good way to speed up front-end development.
A minimalist writing zone, where you can block out all distractions and get to what’s important. The writing!
Zenpen looks like something I had in mind to build a few months back, but never did. An easy to use web app for writing. Not to cluttered, just a easy way to write. Best part, it’s open source so you can improve on it.
Dan Cederholm:
Collect, test, and experiment with interface pattern pairings of CSS & HTML. Pears is an open source WordPress theme, enabling people like you to get your own pattern library up and running quickly.