Viktor Bijlenga

Adobe Generator +

Generator allows you to create image assets in real time as you work, eliminating the tedious steps of copying, slicing and exporting each layer manually, and saving you hours of time. Simply add a file extension to the name of your layer or layer group, and Photoshop will automatically create a JPG, PNG or GIF from the contents of that layer. If you make a change to that layer, the file is immediately updated. This means that you now have a folder of images that are always up-to-date with your Photoshop design.

Photoshop introduced integrated asset slicing for Photoshop CC users today. Will be interesting to see how usefull designers around the web think it is, since I’m not a CC-subscriber (at least yet).

Kodebyraaet +

Lovely website. I’m especially found of the menu. Norway is filled with great designers and developers.

Hard graft +

I love all products from hard graft. It’s Christmas soon, so maybe it’s time for a new weekend bag this year.

Delight is in the Details – eBook by Shawn Blanc +

It takes significant time and talent to bridge the gap between good design and great design. Many designers find themselves working with clients or bosses who would prefer to squeeze additional features into a product rather than taking the time to polish and refine what has already been done. Moreover, what can a designer do when they have the desire and willpower to make a great product but they lack the talent?

Sounds like a great read.

12 Git Hosting Services Compared +

Good review to look trough if you’re looking for good git-hosting. I use Beanstalk every day, since it’s deployment functions are great.

Kudo – nice compliments made for sharing +

Kudo App is the perfect companion on the go, constantly giving you nice compliments. Save to the Home Screen on your iOS device and you’ll have an über App, spread love and shine.

Great hack by @linusekenstam. Send some love to a friend.

7 Useful Git Tips for Beginners +

Working with git is the biggest improvement for me this year. I’m still learning new stuff, so during this week I’m working my way trough this article. If you have any great resources, tweet me.

Zenpen – a minimal web app for writing +

A minimalist writing zone, where you can block out all distractions and get to what’s important. The writing!

Zenpen looks like something I had in mind to build a few months back, but never did. An easy to use web app for writing. Not to cluttered, just a easy way to write. Best part, it’s open source so you can improve on it.

Animated off-canvas navigation +

Example of a bunch of animations that will work fine for off-canvas menus. Feels like we will be seeing a lot more animations on the web. I like that!

Fontastic +

Create a custom typeface of your vectors, or choose from a growing library of icons (at the moment 1700)

Favicon cheat-sheet +

Intressant resurs för hur man numera bör optimera sin favicon för att den ska se bra ut överallt.

Interview with Frank Chimero +

“It’s more important to do good and interesting things than it is to make money. If you do good and interesting things, then you have to trust that the money will follow.”

  • Frank Chimero

Like Knows Like +

Short documentaries about creatives. The world’s best thing to look at for inspiration and happy feelings, if you are like me.

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