• Unsubscribe

    Let’s face it: Email is killing our productivity. The average person checks their email 11 times per hour, processes 122 messages a day, and spends 28 percent of their total workweek managing their inbox. What was once a powerful and essential tool for doing our daily work has become a near-constant source of frustration, anxiety, and distraction from our work.

    Under senaste halvåret har jag funderat över hur epost passar in i allt arbete jag gör om dagarna, så när jag för ert par veckor sen hittade Jocelyn K. Glei bok Unsubscribe blev jag nyfiken. Den innehåller ett gäng intressanta råd och strategier. Jag rekommenderar den varmt till alla som funderar på hur man enklare kan hitta sätt att förhålla sig till sin epost. Ett par timmars god läsning.

  • Todoist + Email

    Todoist Premium users have always been able to forward emails as tasks in Todoist projects, but the user experience wasn’t great. The formatting was messy and difficult to read, especially with emails that include rich HTML, and attachments were difficult to find.

    Jag har under senaste tiden upptäckt Todoist. Häromdagen insåg jag även att det går att skapa todos via e-post. Hurra!

  • Guetzli JPG Compression

    At Google, we care about giving users the best possible online experience, both through our own services and products and by contributing new tools and industry standards for use by the online community. That’s why we’re excited to announce Guetzli, a new open source algorithm that creates high quality JPEG images with file sizes 35% smaller than currently available methods, enabling webmasters to create webpages that can load faster and use even less data.

    Guetzli [guɛtsli] — cookie in Swiss German — is a JPEG encoder for digital images and web graphics that can enable faster online experiences by producing smaller JPEG files while still maintaining compatibility with existing browsers, image processing applications and the JPEG standard. From the practical viewpoint this is very similar to our Zopfli algorithm, which produces smaller PNG and gzip files without needing to introduce a new format, and different than the techniques used in RNN-based image compression, RAISR, and WebP, which all need client changes for compression gains at internet scale.

    Intressant! Ska bli kul att testa.

  • Touch Devices Should Not Be Judged By Their Size

    > The hardware industry has created massive touchscreen TVs, really large tablets (like the iPad Pro), and even huge touch desktop PCs (like the new, jaw-dropping Surface Studio). This means we can no longer assume that a small viewport is a touch screen and a large viewport isn’t. Sometimes large screens are touch, requiring the user to use their finger, and small screens have a stylus.

    This is a really interesting thing I hadn’t thought about.

  • Interview: Brunello Cucinelli

    > This is a question of balance. Those who come to me and say, “You know, I work 15 hours a day,” I say, “I am not interested.” I am interested in the quality of working hours, not the quantity. The brain of the human being. Do you think that during the first five hours of the day you are the same as you are in the last five hours? No way. You’re tired, and if you’re tired, you stop listening, and the decisions you make are risky.

    A good read and a good reminder.

  • Box – Industrial robot art

    > Box explores the synthesis of real and digital space through projection-mapping onto moving surfaces. The short film documents a live performance, captured entirely in camera.

    I like this video. It’s a beautiful but weird combination of technology and art.

  • Swissmiss on Good Life Project

    Tina Roth Eisenberg aka Swissmiss is one of my big inspirations in life. Her values affects mine thoughts and values.

    I loved when Tina told the story about when her daughter described of what Tina do as work:
    > You sit in front of a computer and laugh.

    It made me smile.

  • Too Many Images

    > Discover your image weight on the web. Find out the image weight in your pages, compare to the HTTPArchive average and discover what images you can optimize further.

    A simple CLI tools that may be a fun thing to integrate into your performance testing stack. It asks and answers the question, too many images?

  • Maximize Your Creative Energy

    I’m not perfect at balancing work/life, and I will probably never be. To be able to improve, I have to think about the long term effects and create methods which works for me. It’s a hard work, but it’s worth it. You should do it too.

  • Matt Mullenweg: The State of the Word 2014

    Interesting insights into the current state of WordPress and whats to come.

    The last year has certainly been a good one for WordPress. I think the core team has made an incredible job improving upon an already great system. The responsive admin panel is a big improvement. I also think automatic updates was a great addition too.

    I’m excited for the future of WordPress.

  • John Gruber at XOXO Festival

    John Gruber of [Daring Fireball](http://daringfireball.net) talks about the early years of his blog. I wish that I would have been at [XOXO Festival](http://2014.xoxofest.com) to enjoy it, but watching it while doing the dishes was also a good experience (maybe next time?).

    John shared those three valuable lessons, which made me think.

    – Know when to be stubborn.
    – Know when to be flexible.
    – Prioritize quality over money.

  • Interview with Jonathan Ive

    I can’t stop listening to this man. His voice is so beautiful, and I think that you can hear just by listening to him, that he is a one of our times greatest designers. Just watch it.

  • On being an Early Riser

    Erik Beirnskold:

    > Myself, I am a wannabe morning person. I’m not the one to sleep away the whole mornings, but I am also not the one to naturally get up really early. But I want to be.

    > Why is this you ask? It’s actually quite simple. You get ahead. Quickly. Just think about it. If you are up and start your day at 5am, you will have had time to catch up on the news, do some important work and be ready to tackle the rest of the world as it wakes up around 8-9am. It works because most people do not get up early, but if you do, you are already at an advantage to everyone else.

    First of all. I enjoyed this post, since I have a hard time to get up really early. Just ask my girlfriend. She is my inspiration, since she always gets up before me. I’m tired of rolling out of bed, just to get out of bed.

    I’m working on adjusting my sleep, since I know that I think/work better before lunch. My trick at the moment is to turn back the clock two minutes every other day. It’s a good pace for me and it helps to adjust my morning routines over time. Let’s see how it works out.

  • OS X Yosemite: Tips, Tricks, and Details

    A great post on Macstories filled with those little bits that helps to get the most of Yosemite. I learned that I don’t need to open AirDrop in the finder anymore to be able to receive something. A small but useful improvement for me.

  • Rename a common filename to something useful with Hazel app

    ### Problem:
    You get a lot of attachments in the mail with the same name – example “your-company-name.pdf”. You think it’s unnecessary to rename stuff manually and

    ### Solution:

    1. Download [Hazel app](http://www.noodlesoft.com/hazel.php).
    2. Set up a new rule [containing the following](http://cl.ly/Y8vA) for your downloads folder.

    If **Any**
    **Name** contains **”your-company-name”**

    **Do the following..**
    Rename with pattern [date added]_[creator][extension]
    3. Done! Your files will from now be named in a more convenient way.